Deliberately deliberate

04 Jun

I read a certain quote that really left me thinking;
“Many people think that they think, other people would rather die than think, but very few people take the time to pause and just think.”

I pondered on that quote for a while and I have come to realize the genius in it. Most of the things we do in life are as a result of habit and not a by-product of conscious thought. Those actions that are not of habit are borne of a reaction to something. You wake up and take a bath. Why? Because that is what you have done all your life since you were a small child. You do things the same way, speak in the same tone and think in the same way because yo have been conditioned to muzzle your curiosity and follow the crowd.

Have you ever seen a child who has a more than average sense of curiosity. They are usually shot down as soon as they start asking uncomfortable questions. As soon as they start questioning the normal routine, they are forced into submission by the older and “wiser” grown ups. Wisdom has been raising kids to fit in rather than to broaden their horizons and learn new things.

Look back to the moment that you consider your proudest. Didn’t you achieve it by deliberate action towards a goal? When you conspire to achieve something, the universe obeys and creates a way to do so. Its a magical property that is inexplicable but nonetheless not any less true. Flowing with the motions has been the norm but look where it got us. Those who manage to actually pose and think about their every step and their direction in life, end up standing out in the sea of zombies. The irony is that this is the day and age where the ratio of brilliant minds to average is rising. But still the brilliance only ends in cracking some mathematical equation and they forget to apply it in day to day living and to making the world a better place.


The secret in truly living out your purpose and achieving what you can in life is deliberately deciding to do so and aligning your steps in tandem with your intentions. Nobody achieved anything with their good intentions. Neither did any man win a woman’s heart by only having good intentions without working towards it.

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Posted by on June 4, 2013 in Philosophical me


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